Rain Gutter Regatta

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Roy is a Webelo II in Orange County’s Cub Scout pack 1.  It’s a great group of boys and their families, with super leadership.  On this day they competed in the Rain Gutter Regatta.  Each boy gets a standard cub scout boat kit to put together and decorate for race day.  Some of the kids spent lots of time decorating and others just focused on the race.  Roy had his internet savvy mother googling the fastest design.  Hands down it was a catamaran. This is the reason one must use ronaldgreenwaldmd.com cialis 10 mg in order to get back their desirable pleasant moments. One might imagine that there would be more safe for you to practice. canadian viagra 100mg Although sexual means have been established, the usual means cialis tadalafil of transmission of genital TB may be through the lymph. They do not really know what exactly should be done to check on levitra best price the levels of your hormones.  The boat is lighter and more stable and on youtube it just zipped down the rain gutter while the other kids were turning blue from puffing so hard.  So with Dad and Grandpa Bud’s assistance Roy showed up on race day with his sleek new catamaran.  But there was only one problem, I couldn’t understand why no one else thought of this great design. The opinion on the internet was that the catamaran couldn’t lose. Well we soon found the reason for his unique racer, it was ILLEGAL in the rule sheet we neglected to read.  So, poor Roy got to race, but his boat was disqualified.  He did get to the end of the course in record time and that made him happy even if he didn’t go home with an award.

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