Too many clothes

We are blessed with too many clothes.

Marie likes to keep everything.  She might not wear it, she has favorite outfits and the rest get ignored, or maybe she just feels good about having full drawers, I don’t exactly know what the deal is.  The bottom line is she can’t find anything and everyday she dumps all these clothes out in a heaping pile while she looks for that one special shirt.  Then comes the ugly part.  Getting her to clean it up so someone doesn’t report her to the hoarder reality program.  Sometimes I think the heap left behind is high enough for her to pack a lunch to take while climbing.  Now, I’m not an organized person, I can come up with the plan but usually I’m not willing to execute it or maintain it.  But this time we did it.  I laid out long lines of items sorted by type, then we divided all the matching outfits into 4 separate piles and stored them in gift bags.  One pile for her drawers and three for later.  Each week when her drawers are empty, I give her the next gift bag, do the laundry and pack those items away for later.  We’ll see how it goes.
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