What have I done for the boat lately?

Not much it seems.  I’ve been fishing, hiking, camping, swimming, cooking, and several other ‘ing’ activities.  There were a few things that may seem minor, but are still important.  Due to Genny’s emergency room visit, I decided we should all have tetanus shots, so I made Dr. appointments for all of us.  Next week we’ll all be protected from Tetanus. Key ingredients in Shilajit ES capsules are saffron, sudh shilajit, prices of viagra moti bhasma, and safed musli. The drug has been initiated only sildenafil without prescription for curing diseases but also to increase sexual libido in men include restless leg syndrome, medications, chronic illness, depression, low testosterone levels, aging, sleep problems and stress. Safed Musli offers effective cure for on line cialis important link impotence. Clomid is also used to treat viagra sales in uk anovulation, PCOS, and irregular periods in women.  I also opened an account on Voxofon.com.  Jim’s family uses it to call Ania’s family in Poland.  Now I can plug my hands free chord from my phone into my computer and make phone calls.  When ever we have wifi reception near the boat we’ll be able to call the United States for around a penny a minute.  Meanwhile, Eric is home working and attaching those 160 cones to the drogue.

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