We’re home

In our usual style, we returned home Tuesday night.

First of all, United Airline’s computers were down so flights were delayed all day.  After a day of packing and schlepping we finally boarded our last flight at around 6pm.  The four of us headed down the isle to the back of the plane, pulling our luggage, ready to relax.  But, the lady assigned to the window seat was fiddling around with her stuff, which was spread out on our seats.  After about 2 minutes of us blocking several rows while we were waiting, I put our luggage in the overhead several isles away, got the kids seated then went to the back of the plane to wait for her to finish.  Next, Genny pulled her loose tooth out just before we took off, I stored it safely in her wallet.  Half way through the flight Marie got bored and crabby, she spilled her drink and cried for me to buy a $5 can of Pringles, just before we landed she fell asleep, whew.

That’s about when things really started to get crazy.  We were coming in for the landing and despite my warnings, Genny insisted on me giving her the tooth.  Within 30 seconds she dropped it between the seats.  When we landed she crawled around on the floor looking for it.  Meanwhile, the plane emptied and all that was left was that crazy woman messing with her stuff blocking the isle again, and the 4 of us piled into 3 seats waiting for her to move so we could get our stuff and exit, without the tooth.  I think I did a good job of being calm, but I took her stuff out of the overhead and set it in the seats about 5 rows up, got our stuff and headed for the street.  We always have discussion on the best and safest way to take the luggage down the escalator.  Marie decided to do it her own way and was very wobbly.  About 5 steps later there was a second escalator where Marie and Genny got tangled up.  There were 2 suitcases and 1 little girl spread on the floor at the top of the escalator, people coming down the one behind us and Roy at the bottom of the escalator with his shoes untied, ( he likes it that way ), when the lace got stuck in the escalator.  So, I pushed the RED button to stop it, some man yanked his lace out, I carried  the rest of the luggage down the stairs and we made our way to the curb.  Whew, almost finished.  But Wait!  Eric was waiting in a Cell Phone Call parking lot and my phone was dead.  Ahhhh!  I asked the guy next to me, but he said no because his battery was red.  Luckily, after a minute or two, he took pity on me and let me use it.

How was that for Chaos!

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Never a dull moment traveling with us.

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