Labor Day Festivities

Labor Day weekend is filled with festivities for our community in Angelus Oaks.  There is a burger and hot dog lunch to benefit Greyback Disaster Preparedness on Saturday, then Sunday morning is a pancake breakfast to benefit the fire station.  The big draw for my kids, besides the pancakes, it the rummage sale.  Then our cabin association has meetings, a potluck and cocktails.  Monday is usually some work project and rest from all the excitement.  The weekend is a treat because most of our neighbors are at their cabins this weekend.

One of this years hot purchases was this beautiful princess throne that Marie snagged.

This has been a great year for the kids.  Two new families with kids moved in.  Kristin and Jacob are at the end of the road and Tyler and Cody are right across the road from us.  The kids spend the weekend on the swing, shooting BB guns, playing video games and eating lots of watermelon.

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One thing we should always remember is how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken from us.  On Monday two men and their horses went up the San Bernadino Peak trail, this horse tripped and fell killing his rider instantly.  When God says it’s time, He means it.  Always be prepared to meet God, don’t wait, because you never know when it’s your time.

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