Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving, my favorite Holiday of the whole year.  It’s all about cooking and eating, and has nothing to do with gifts, decorations, or costumes.  As a kid, my mom would have the table set the day before, have several of the dishes started and then buzz around the kitchen on Thursday morning getting everything going. Dad was always there to peel potatoes, take things in and out of the oven, take the trash out, or any other job mom delegated to him. Buffalo, NY is very cold on Thanksgiving Day, sometimes we would need to shovel the driveway so my grandparents could park. Then we would squish on the couches with my grandparents watching Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. I always loved the big balloons and Broadway show samples.  After Turkey at lunch time, the women and children would play cards while the men watched football games.  Mom always won in cards, I don’t know how she did it, but she always won.

Thanksgiving in Hawaii was a fun filled weekend with my friends, sometimes family, but mostly friends because we were all out there alone.  Becky would bring a puzzle, the men were in charge of the meat, and the amount of wine we drank determined what time dinner was ready.  The party went on for several days and usually included windsurfing, sailing and scuba diving.

The last few years we’ve had a quiet little dinner at the cabin.  I’m really looking forward to the kids coming to the cabin with their families and friends for a big celebration

This year we’re in Kissimmee, FL with my mom.  She wanted to take us out to a buffet for dinner, but Roy said, “Oh no, we have to cook!”  No problem, we can put together a simple meal.

The day started with Genny’s breakfast.  I sat on the couch watching the giant floats go down the streets of NYC.  We talked about November two years ago when we visited NYC as well as D.C., Philadelphia and Buffalo for turkey dinner.  Genny whipped up the most beautiful spinach cheese omelet I’ve had in a long time.  Marie prepared Florida oranges for a garnish and we sipped sparkling apple cider.

Then to get the preparations started, Marie chopped celery and onions.  Sniff, Sniff, the onions made Marie cry.  Luckily, her fancy hairdo kept her bangs from getting wet with tears.

You know you are ready for the high seas when you can peel a pot of potatoes, or so I’ve seen it in the movies. She’s going to be great in the galley.

While the turkey was roasting away we decided to cool off in the pool.  Mom’s door is three away from the pool which is nicely heated.  Even when it’s overcast and cold outside, the kids go in the pool and stay submerged. For some reason, socks we’re the pool toy of the day.

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Finally, it was chow time.  Roy facetimed with the AAnonson family so he could say our prayer with them.

Our menu included turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, creamed spinach, rolls, and beverages.

Since we planned to be home all day, I decided to try Topaz on the tranquilizers we’ll use for her plane ride.  Wow, it really wiped her out.  For the first 5 hours or so, she didn’t really sleep, but her eyes were droopy and red, she couldn’t walk, and had no strength or coordination.  Finally, when it was dark I put her on the couch and she slept all through the night.  Around 1am, I tried to take her out potty, but she still just stumbled around and collapsed in the grass.  This little test is giving me a plan for her plane trip.  I’m going to reduce the dose and give it several hours before I drop her off.  It seems to last a long time.

I wonder what next Thanksgiving will be like?  I haven’t any idea where we’ll be or what we’ll be doing.  Eric did send us pictures of his chicken and stuffing.

I’m so glad we’re here for this month, anxiously waiting to go to the boat.  I was a stressed, wreck in California, logistics, all of our stuff and the road trip ahead of me.  Since we’ve been in Florida I’ve been able to reduce my responsibilities and address loose ends one at a time. We have just over one more week, then we’re off on a road trip to Miami in a rental van to the airport where we’ll drag our huge bags, dog and crate and many carry on bags.



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One Response to Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Nonie Osborne says:

    Good to hear about you guys. Sorry I couldn’t make it to your going-away party but came down with a nasty bout of bronchitis and was down for a month. Good now . Had a great Thanksgiving dinner with the family and sounds like yours was to. Take care and I will keep looking at your blog.