Electrical Work

Yesterday we worked on installing the duo charge regulators for the starter batteries.  We went from this:

to this:

You can skip this paragraph if dislike technical details. This boat has two diesel engines, a starboard and port engine.  Each engine has a starter batter, so the engine can start even if the house bank is dead.  The problem is that the only way to charge the starter battery is with the corresponding engine.  If you don’t run that engine, the starter battery does not get charged.  Sometimes we sit for awhile without starting an engine, or when we were hauled out, the starter batteries were not charged.  As a result, we had one dead starter battery that I had to replace.  With the newly installed gizmo, if it detects any charging source, i.e either diesel engine, generator or solar panels (in the future), both starter batteries will get charged.  They will last longer and give better performance.

While I was working on the above, Brian worked on the freezer, we are reducing the size of the freezer to make it more efficient.  We filled in the bottom 3 inches with foam.

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The install of the new radar/chart plotter was started:

and the remote displays for the Solar regulators were installed.

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