Roy’s fish gallery is in honor of all the people who took him under their wing and encouraged him in this sport. His interest started as a toddler with his Grandpa Mac and Grandpa Jim and yearly fishing trips with Uncle Jim and Aunt Ania. Then continued with help from neighbors, Boy Scout leaders, cruising friends, local fishermen, the guys at the bait shop, and kind fishermen that he asked advice from out in the bay. Thanks to all of you!
Dorado – Isla Carmen, Baja
Big Fat 30 inch Leopard Grouper – Punta Medano Blanco, Baja
Leopard Grouper – Punta Mangles, Baja California
Grunts, Chubs, Yellowtail, and Jacks – night fishing off the back of Makai at anchor
Trigger Fish – Trolling off the Hobie Cat
Clams – Sandy anchorages
Barred Pargo – Outside of Loreto, Mexico
Skip Jack / Bonita – Many were caught and released in the Sea of Cortez.
Leopard Grouper (1% Metamorphose to Golden) – Bahia San Marte, Mexico
Gafftopsail Pompano – Isla Islabela, Mexico
Sierra/Spanish Mackeral – Chemela Mexico
Giant Hogfish – Ragged Islands
15 pound Mutton Snapper – Brigantine Cays
Crawfish/Lobster – Leaf Cay
41 inch Mahi Mahi – Outside of Georgetown Bahamas
Crawfish – off of Leaf Cay
Especially large snappers – Leaf Cay
Mahi Mahi 34 inches – off of Pipe Cay
Maryland Blue Crab – Dennis Point Marina, MD
Catfish – Comegys Bight, MD
Blue fish – Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Mahi Mahi - 30 miles south of Cape Lookout – 36 in., 5 lbs.
Wow, look how much smaller this one is than the Bahamian Mahi Mahi. Roy can hold it by himself.
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Bull Mahi Mahi (Carlos) – New Providence Channel 52 in., 23 lbs.
Mahi Mahi (Carlotta) off of Normans Cay – 26 lbs 53 inches

[ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" portrait="false" byline="false"]93076542[/ylwm_vimeo]
Mahi Mahi (Cynthia) off of Normans Cay – 17 lbs 48 inches
[ylwm_vimeo height="400" width="600" portrait="false" byline="false"]92462754[/ylwm_vimeo]
Lobstah! – southern Exumas
Roy has been fishing fishing fishing but because of rough conditions coming down from the Chesapeake and crossing the Gulf Stream, and then shallow water on the Bahama Bank, he hasn’t had much luck. Recently we took Makai out on a fishing trip along the drop off on the east side of the cays.
Wahoo – Drop off on the east side of the Exuma Cays
Spear fishing outside of Pipe Creek
Lobster spear fishing outside of Pipe Creek
Lobster spear fishing off of Pipe Cay
Bass – Rice Lake, Canada
Bass – Yards Creek Scout Reservation, NJ
Catfish – Chester River, MD
Blue Crab – Mystic River, CT
Striped Bass, New Jersey
Flounder – Cape May, NJ
Skate – Cape May, NJ
Horseshoe Crab – Ocean City, MD
Mahi Mahi – Gulf Stream south of Cape Hatteras
Catfish – Cape Canaveral, FL
Needle Fish – Marina Cay, BVI
Ramora – Peter Island, BVI
Baracuda – Peter Island, BVI
Tuna – BVI
Tuna – St. Martin
Spiny Lobster – Barbuda
Conch – Green Island, Antigua
Jack Fish – Green Island, Antigua
Tuna – Antigua
Baracuda – Guadeloupe
Great job Roy! Can’t wait to visit you guys.
What a wonderful idea. And Roy smiles miles every time. Fishing is a great hobby that will make any place he goes more fun. What’s nice is that Roy isn’t afraid to talk to strangers and take their advice. Some children have a problem with “making friends” and I can see that’s not the case with Roy. Way to Go Roy! Nannie
Yeah! Well done. Can’t wait to hear about how you do it. Can’t recognize most of them. Alright, let’s go.
Mmm mmm mmm. Lots of good eating there lol,are spiny lobsters as good as regular lobsters……lets go fishing at my house in the kayak one day before you leave.I could you some expert advice……great job Roy.
You are an amazing fisherman, Roy! Your smile is priceless.
Roy: Too bad we couldn’t have got a fish big enough to make the gallery at my place. Next time we will !! (Even if I have to hire a guide to make sure)!!
Boy, what a fisherman you’ve become!I’m so jealous,especially of all the Lobstah you get to enjoy. Can hardly wait to hear all the stories that go along with the catch. See you this summer & FISH ON.
Wow!! You have a website???!?!