Genny got a new bike, she’s soooo excited!!! The kids have all had hand me down bikes for ever. We’ve been really blessed that great bikes were available at the right time, right size, right color all these years. I promised the kids that when we come back from sailing they could all pick out a new bike, but they needed to wait until they are big enough for an adult size bike. So, how did Genny get so lucky?
It was all about a dentist appointment I have on Monday. I needed Roy and Genny to ride their bikes home from Archery class with their pals because I was going to be a the dentist. I was worried that her old bike which had brake wires sticking out and disconnected, and tires popping off the rims, would have a mechanical problem while the kids were out riding without an adult. So, since she could fit on an adult sized girls bike, she and Eric went off to Walmart to select the perfect color. Purple and orange!