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11/02/2012 to 07/09/2015Post Archives
For a great way to go to church at home visit www.seacoastgrace.org and select messages.Bible Verses to ponder
Proverbs 2:4-5 King Solomon speaks of Wisdom
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.Ephesians 2:8-10
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.Deuteronomy 4
The 10 Commandments
1. Have no other gods
2. Do not worship idols or images
3. Do not misuse the Lord's name
4. Observe the Sabbath Day
5. Honor your father and mother
6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal
9. Do not lie
10. Do not covet anything that belongs to your neighborMy Favorite Bible Studies
Over the last 10 years I've decided the best way to know what God expects is to attend Bible Study. I have two favorites: http://www.communitybiblestudy.org/ has great programs especially for women and children together and lately I've been attending http://www.precept.org/ for a very in-depth study of the bible. Try a bible study to learn all about what's in God's book.Check this out
Author Archives: sailmakai
Last Day of 2013
We spent the last day of the year doing last minute things. We’re hoping to move on tomorrow, so the morning started with a trip to the GSPCA, Grenada SPCA, which I was told is the best place to get Topaz a health certificate to travel to the next country. Topaz and I caught a taxi and about 5 minutes and $15 later we were there. On the wall is a world map showing where all the volunteer veternarians came from. We were seen quickly, the check up was simple, the form filled out, the fee plus a small donation came out to $37, and off we went. Topaz and I made the short downhill walk to the harbor where Eric picked us up. We dinghy-ed to the Foodland Dock and picked up some last minute fresh and refrigerated items. The big treat was ice cream. Since the return trip was directly to the boat with out buses, hikes, or waits, the ice cream made it. But our freezer isn’t cold enough to store ice cream, so we had to eat it all :)
Next we did a bit of a history/tourist tour. First place of interest is the infamous customs building where Eric worked to get our shipment released.
Next is St. George’s Fort is on the point at the entrance to the bay. To get here we wandered through town, down a one lane tunnel with people hugging the walls and cars rolling through. The traffic here is the worst I’ve ever seen. Zillions of little cars on tiny roads with turns and curves everywhere. On the other side of the tunnel is the Cruise Ship Mall. Right outside of the mall is the cruise ship dock, every few days a few ships pull in and their people file through this mall boosting the local economy. In front of the mall is a Subway sub shop, our first fast food since Dec 4th. Across the street from the mall is the back stairs to the fort.
In the picture below, I’m at the entrance to the fort and you can see the empty cruise ship dock where two ships had been yesterday, and a cool 400 foot sailing cruise ship.
We had a great tour guide who showed us around the fort, explained some of the things you can see from the top, and told us about Grenada in general.
Like many settlements from Florida on down, Grenada was occupied by several European nations. I found a great timeline to get all of this sorted out in my mind. Here’s my abbreviated version.
1498 – Christopher Columbus wuz here
1650 – French settlers establish a colony
1783 – Great Britain acquires the island
1979 – Prime Minister ousted, new PM Maurice Bishop has ties with Cuba and US
Let us have a look at the main differences wouroud.com levitra on line between the two of them. The tablet super cialis canada discover over here can be taken conveniently with water. Raising up in such a home or society, later makes man suffer pfizer viagra online http://www.wouroud.com/index.php?ln=en from sexual shame and limits sexual enjoyment. Patients with prostatitis typically have long-lasting genitourinary/pelvic pain and obstructive cialis in uk and/or irritative voiding symptoms. 1983 – PM Maurice Bishop executed because of objections to him improving ties with US. US invades Grenada to protect the island from increasing ties with Cuba and Russia. The following link describes the invasion as more of a rescue mission and how the US forces were welcomed. www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq95-1.htm
1984 – New Prime Minister, Grenada back on track.
2004 – Hurricane Ivan, 90% of Grenada devastated
The view from the Fort was great, the west side was the cruise ship docks, on the east side is our anchorage, there is Makai and Topaz waiting for us. On the ridge across from us is another fort that they used signal flags to communicate with. On the hill in the picture below is the Catholic church, biggest building in the photo with a steeple. It lost it’s roof in hurricane Ivan and wasn’t replace for 6 years.
The presbyterian church below wasn’t so lucky. Our guide said they have plans to replace the roof soon. Even at the fort the roof is gone and because these buildings are low priority, they haven’t been replaced.
That’s the end of our tour, now for the treacherous, walk back. I watched Marie either throw herself against the wall or jump into a doorway when a car came by.
Everyone was happy to get back in the car, we had a great parking spot. As Eric got us up on a plane, this means the hull skims the top of the water as we zip around, some one mentioned that our car even has air conditioning. The cool breeze felt great after the steamy hike.
For the rest of the afternoon Eric worked on trying to figure out why our refrigerator, which is supposed to be a freezer, doesn’t get cold enough. He’s been in email communication with the manufacturer doing tests. I’m sure he’ll get it straightened out at some point. The kids wanted to stay awake until midnight so we put together a plan on how we would stretch the evening out. By 9pm, Eric and I fell asleep and the kids watched a movie, which ended at 11pm. Then all the kids fell asleep at 11:05. At midnight, I thought we were being invaded with all the booming and crashing around us. Luckily, it was only Grenada celebrating the New Year. I didn’t hear a peep out of the town until midnight, then they proceeded to party and disco until 4am.
Leaving Prickly Bay
Today we cut loose and set off to check out the other side of the island. The new dinghy engine hoist worked great, we always take the engine off and raise the dinghy out of the water on the davits before moving. Towing it is too risky, it could get swamped, break free, or flip over.
We went SW around the end of the island and up the west side a few miles to the capital city of St. George’s. Makai’s main sail is huge and quite a bit of work to haul up and since most of the sail was directly down wind, we went with the jib only and averaged an amazing 6 knots. A little squall came by and washed the boat nicely, threw us slightly off course, and kept on going.
Everyone is learning to settle in and find their own favorite spots.
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After Makai was safely anchored, we all went to the beach to snorkel. This was the best snorkeling we’ve had so far. The water was fairly clear and the rocky reef had plenty of great critters. We saw a small school of large silver sucker fish, half a dozen or so cuttlefish, a lobster, a lion fish, Marie found the best shell of our trip so far, a parrot fish, and many other reef fish.
Today, sunset was a welcome sight, time for the end of the day.
What’s for Dinner?
For a few weeks now Roy has been working on getting us coconuts. First he learned to climb the trees, it can be tricky because some trees are tall, some are straight, some have ants on them, but others are short and bend nicely with no bugs. Next we had to learn which coconuts to try to open. After quizzing the locals on the beach, we learned that when they turn yellow, but no brown on them, then they are mature and young and are full of water. Once they turn brown, there is that hard nut inside full of meat but little water. Today we’re shooting for coconut water.
The next problem Roy had to overcome was opening the coconut. At first he brought them to the boat and took a hack saw and drill to it. Yikes, the coconut left horrible stains all over the back of the boat, we had the brown type without water, and a big mess. For Christmas, Roy talked his sisters into buying him a machete. To preserve his typing fingers, Eric devised a plan for using drift wood to support the coconut while he hacked away at it.
Now, with all the pieces put together, we’ll never go thirsty.
I used the more conventional method of acquiring food, the grocery store. I love CK Superstore. Compared to the bulk stores in the U.S., CK is very small. There are 6 big aisles of dry goods, a back section of cleaning and paper products and a hand full of coolers for frozen food. The best part about this store is their delivery from the check out counter to the dinghy dock, you can’t be that! Then we go down the street and around the corner to the IGA grocery store, for anything else on our list.
I always like to lay out our goods, then find places to stash them. This is what $500 U.S. dollars will get you in Grenada. The especially exciting items are several bags of apples, deluxe macaroni and cheese, Oscar Meyer cold cuts, fresh (not boxed) milk, powdered drink mix, cake mix for Marie’s upcoming 8th birthday, and other yummy essentials.
After a long day at the market, the lobster guys came by. I was completely out of money, but Roy flagged them down and bought a little buddy for Topaz.
You know how he loves bugs and sea creatures, he was especially interested in this little guy.
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Eric wanted to free the lobster, but we cooked him up instead. It made for 3 great meals. The left overs became a lunch sandwich for me, and for dinner I reheated some meat with pesto and tossed it with pasta.
It’s a good thing we’re on Christmas vacation, because there is no time for school work. After all that work collecting chow, we needed to cool off. The kids have been exploring interesting ways to jump off the boat. I don’t have a problem with the normal, fling your body off the side, but they wanted more thrills. We devised this idea to protect boat parts and kid parts. We swung the boom over the side and attached a rope to the end. This way they could play Tom Sawyer or something and swing out over the side and jump.
Their other idea of fun is to be hoisted up the mast. They all took turns hanging out by the first set of spreaders looking down on everything.
At the end of the day we were all exhausted.
We had a bit of crabbiness out of the kids so we all decided to go to bed early. I think we all slept from 7pm to 7am, it was great.
Blessed Christmas
Dec 25th, 2012 started at 6am when the kids came in and begged to open presents. Eric said no presents would be opened until 8am, go away. After fending them off for a half hour I decided to try our super great wifi and stream a church service, www.seacoastgrace.org. I highly recommend watching church, there is a messages and message archives menu option to select either the most recent service or services up to several years back. The first time I attended Sea Coast Grace in Cypress was on a Christmas Eve several years ago. The music and entertainment was better than anything I could have bought tickets to. Pastor Surratt’s message always seems to speak directly to my circumstances and leaves a vivid image in my mind. This year we sat in our beautiful new floating home in a lush anchorage with the rain coming down all around us with homesick kids. The theme for this year’s service was Christmas in the City. Pastor Surratt is from a small town in the mid-west and mentioned how different it was back home surrounded by nature and seeing God’s work all around you. Yes, we all looked outside to see God’s rain watering and cleaning God’s coconut trees, flowers, and other unidentified jungle plants. He also talked about all the popular songs that talk about being home for Christmas, yet many people aren’t home for the holidays. The military people that are off at their duty stations, travelers visiting other people’s homes, and of course at the first Christmas, everyone was traveling to Bethlehem. So, once again, Pastor Surratt’s exciting service draws us in to hear God’s message for us.
8am came after church and waffles, we sat inside with the doors open watching the rain and opened presents. The kids had a chance to shop for each other so they were excited to trade packages. Some of the highlights were that Roy and Genny got the latest Dork Diaries and Wimpy Kids books, Roy also got a machete. A few years back Santa gave him a grappling hook, now his sisters give him a machete, scary. Marie got Apples to Apples the Disney Edition, yahoo, big hit we all played for quite a long time.
The kids have been very good at entertaining themselves lately, I’m really pleasantly surprised. After gifts they disappeared into the woodwork and Eric got down to playing with his Christmas gift.
Those guys at the shipyard worked overtime on the solar panel mount and Eric was anxious to get them up and running. Out came the soldering iron, wires, and connectors.
See these poor guys working in the rain as the boat swished back and forth with the surge. They all had a week off ahead of them and long hours on our project behind them.
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By the end of the day he had 2 of the panels collecting the energy God gave us from the sun. Unfortunately, we need to go to the boat supply store for a bit more wire to get the other two connected. The kids and I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the boat for the tour I’ll give next. Now that the panels are out of the forward port cabin Marie got her room. We scrubbed up the bathroom, wiped the walls and windows, organized and arranged Marie’s stuff and she moved in. At the end of the day the kids called all their friends on facetime. We all had a nice chat with the Aanonson and Gough families.
Genny is determined to do some cooking around here, so she started with Christmas dinner.
The fresh provisions are getting low. We had steak strips with pepper and onions and a little bbq sauce, cucumbers, olives, lettuce and couscous with corn in it. See PJ on my phone being passed around the table? Tonight was Marie’s turn to pick a movie. After much debate over whether we should watch shark shows, she picked Soul Surfer, hopefully Marie will want to go in the water today.
Boat Tour
Here is the official blog tour of Makai. If anyone wants to see more details, come visit and you are welcome to see for yourself. Eric and I have been planning for this boat for 12 years. When we returned from our second trip to Mexico in 2000 we decided the next goal would be a family, a new boat and a new adventure. Wow, here we are. It wasn’t easy to get here, but with the goal in mind the decisions on how to spend our money were clear.
The girls use the bow and cabin top for their show stage. They choreograph song and dance routines that have them swinging from lines and marching up the steps.
The port (left side of the boat) side of the cockpit has a table with seating for maybe about 8 people. I don’t know exactly how many people would be comfortable since we only have five of us here right now. The entire cockpit is covered with a canvas bimini and has side curtains to keep the sun out when it’s low in the sky. We’ve also been using these curtains to collect rain water for solar showers, dog baths, and little bits of laundry.
The starboard (right) side of the cockpit is for the helm and instruments as well as a little bit of seating. There is also a deck along the back of the cockpit with swim steps on the back of each hull that go down to the water.
Inside the big glass doors is the main salon. On the starboard side is the dining area and nav station. The table lowers and this area can be made into a bed. Just past the dining area is a step down to the passage leading to the fore and aft cabins.
The port side of the main salon has the galley. We have a freezer and two refrigerators, a force 10 stove with 4 burners and an oven, and plenty of storage space for kitchen basics. There is a passage on this side going the the fore and aft staterooms as well.
Lets start with the port aft cabin, Genny’s room.
She decorated it with books, shells, toys, stickers, posters, her personal effects and artwork.
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Marie’s room is also decorated with her artwork and favorite pillows, blankets and toys.
While port side is colorfully decorated by the sisters, the starboard side is missing these beautiful touches.
Eric and I have the starboard aft cabin. There was no room for decorations trying to fit in all the cruising guides, manuals, tools that don’t fit anywhere else, clothes we don’t wear, and books yet to read.
Be careful going to the forward cabin, Roy has determined his room to be toxic.
Roy travels lite, he only has a few books, his wooden sword, mouth harp, and other things he’s collected. He also gets to host the school supply basket and printer.
Like the young man he is, his bathroom is set up as a man cave. There is a seat that folds down over the toilet for him to hang out, read his magazines and admire his space.
This is a stock floor plan of the Leopard 47. The two forward cabins are under the fore deck and the aft cabins are under the cockpit. The heads are situated back to back in the middle of the hulls between the cabins. The main salon is on the upper level so you can see out the windows which is a wonderful feature for the cook. It’s pretty miserable to be stuffed down below in the galley. We love our new home and have gotten used to living aboard, now we have to get out and sail. For the past two months we haven’t been more than 5 miles away, but now that the work is done and we’re planning to head north just after the New Year.
Almost Free
Eric and Brian spent 2 weeks in the shipyard and 2 weeks anchored in the bay in front of it. Then, we came and spent another week here, 1 week in Prickly Bay and now we’re back. The guys at the stainless steel shop are working over time. They worked all weekend and it looks like they’ll be finished on Monday. This bay has been like “home”. We’ve gotten to know the local dogs, workers and other people working on their boats here, we attended the Christmas Party, and have been regular shoppers for the people who bring their vegetables from the mountains down to sell on Thursdays. Last week one of the guys gave me these flowers, Merry Christmas.
With freedom so close we talked about what our next move may be. Tuesday we’ll move back to Prickly Bay to celebrate Christmas, and spend the rest of the week there installing the equipment intended for this stainless steel rack we’ve been waiting for. In Prickly Bay there is a good boat supply store as well has easy provisioning. If everything goes well, maybe we’ll head north around Jan 1st and spend a week in Carriacou about 25 miles north of here. Then when the weather is right make the two day trip to Martinique. Because of Topaz’s paperwork we have to skip St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Barbados. We’re also planning to skip St. Lucia so we have more time to spend at some of the Leeward Islands.
Here are a few of the weather maps we’re using to decide the best time to sail. PassageWeather.com shows the surface wind direction and speed. We need to pick a day when the direction comes out of the east and the further to the south we can get it, the better. Also, the lighter the wind, the more comfortable it will be for our inexperienced crew.
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The next chart from windguru forecasts the wind direction, speed and also the waves. Waves can come from the local wind conditions as well as storms in other parts of the ocean. Once again, out of the east will be best and since we don’t have a schedule to meet, we can sit in some beautiful anchorage goofing off until the conditions are right.
Company Christmas Party
Here we are the day after “the end of the world” and three days before Christmas, lurking around the shipyard waiting for racks to be built to mount the solar panels we bought last April. Lucky for us, Grenada Marine was having their company Christmas Party. Unlike the parties we’re used to where they have chocolate fountains, ice sculptures, carolers, and ipad raffles, this party had a pig roast, a huge shipping container full of iced beer, reggae music on 6 foot speakers, dogs and kids and of course a rain storm.
The guy from the rigging shop is from South Africa and said he spent 16 years living in an African Jungle roasting game on a spit like this. One of the greatest things about boating in the Caribbean vs. Mexico is the many countries represented here. So far we’ve made friends with an Australian family, a young couple from Holland, there was a couple from Czechoslovakia, the Italian guy with the band in Prickly bay, another Italian guy had the boat next to us here at the yard, I spent some time talking about pets traveling through the islands with a couple from Montreal, last week on the beach we met a lady from Huntington Beach, CA who crewed on a boat with a guy from Portugal, they got married and are sailing with a baby now. We also met the guy that took a picture of our boat here in the yard last spring. He’s Persian but has been living in Chicago working on boats in the summer and sailing in the Caribbean in the winter.
So, like I said before, the rain storms come through, drench everyone, and then keep going.
We enjoyed the best meal I’ve had here in Grenada. Besides the fact that I was super delicious, I enjoyed wading in the water all day and watching them prepare the meats, plus I didn’t have to cook or clean up after this fabulous meal.
We sat on the deck of the restaurant spraying deet products on our ankles, swigging down ice cold Caribe beer, and watching the kids play with all the local kids at the beach.
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Back to the shipyard
Wednesday, Eric and Roy spent the day taking the bus from Prickly Bay to Grenada Marine in St. David’s harbor to check on the solar panel rack. They told him to bring the boat over on Thursday morning to do some fitting, so we whippety whapped Makai into shape and motored the 6 miles up first thing in the morning. Here the guys are fitting one of the four panels to the rack.
We tied Makai up to a dock in the shipyard. There are pros and cons to everything. Being here at the dock there is easy access to land and a spigot for fresh water on the dock, but there are also more flies that a dairy farm during the day and vicious blood thirsty invisible mosquitoes at night. I take the family to the beach while they guys are working and let the flies come and go as they please, then in the evening we close every thing up and put on the fans to keep the blood sucking mosquitoes away. Yesterday Roy spotted bats feasting on the mosquitoes, but I think there aren’t enough bats at the smorgasbord to control the situation.
Also, with all the fresh water comes plenty of mud that needs to be washed away. Roy likes being able to just walk off the boat and find a fishing spot where no one will bother him.
For two days the workers have been fitting, drilling, welding.
They’re really nice guys and have been putting in extra effort before Christmas. The yard closes down between Christmas and New Year, so they’re trying to get this job done. Speaking of the yard closing, it was last year this time that Eric, Rodney, George and Jamie, zipped into the yard. They crossed the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to Grenada in 17 days, and got pulled out of the water and secured just before the yard closed for Christmas.
This rack will hold four 230 watt solar panels, and hopefully will cover all of our electrical needs.
While trying to stay out of the way, the kids and I take Topaz over to the little beach at the shipyard. Topaz can spend hours pacing back and forth looking for twigs, leaves, and other little pieces of debris floating around. She clomp clomps over here and then splish splashes over there pouncing on any little thing that floats by. Meanwhile the sisters sing and dance, swim, make sand sculptures and do other things I can’t even understand. Today they found a ‘sick’ lizard. Dr. Genny was sure that if she just pushed it’s guts back in, it would run off the operating table and live a long happy life. In the end, they performed a funeral ceremony.
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The dock we’re at is adjacent to the basin where the travel lift hoists or lowers the boats. It’s fun to see the many boats in this yard and ask about their story. The guy next to us bought a boat that was salvaged from a hurricane, apparently the bow was crushed above the waterline. It looks good now. Another huge catamaran was launched after 4.5 years in the yard. One lady today told me when they lifted her boat out of the water it slipped sideways, and so she was worried about them launching it. She only spoke French, so it was a short conversation.
While the yard does their job, Roy still fishes. Someday he’s going to catch me a Mahi Mahi. Until then it’s hot dogs wrapped in bread dough for dinner.
When morning comes, the flies wake up and drive us nuts again. I don’t see the point in trying to kill them, there are too many.
We are getting into a routine. Eric has been able to work a bit for Jon and Gary, especially with this great wifi at the shipyard. So far his extra work is able to pay for the stainless steel solar panel racks. Next, he’s ordering a fiberglass hard top for the cockpit to be installed in Miami in May. That will require a few more mornings of computer work than the stainless steel did.
It’s my turn to do some boat work. It’s really hard to get anything done besides, cooking, cleaning, housework and entertaining the family. My task is buffing the entire boat. I did one bulkhead today and felt pretty good until I stepped back and saw what a small % of the entire boat that wall is.
At the end of the day, everyone is ready to rest.
Life at Anchor
We’re starting to get settled in here. Our mornings start with Math and Spelling.
Eric always has a list of projects, he spends his day crawling around fixing and installing things. Lucky for us, today he installed hammocks! We live in our bathing suits, occasionally switching from one to another for variety and to get dry.
Marie is reading a magazine. It’s still a bit of a struggle, but the kids are starting to do a lot more reading and seem to be obeying the ‘no screen time’ rule. At home, they were constantly sneaking off and hiding with their little gadgets. I think that maybe it’s too hot to hide inside and they can’t see their screens in the sunlight, so now they’re giving the magazines and our library a chance. See our dinghy parked in the garage behind Makai.
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Topaz is back to her old self. I didn’t want to say anything because I was so worried about her, but she was pretty sick the last few days, vomiting and not eating. She’s been swallowing way too much sea water from this bad habit of making a splash and then biting at it. For the last 2 weeks she’s been in the water for hours and hours, swimming with us to the beach and around the boat, just to keep cool and I think the sea water issue finally caught up with her. We kept her out of the water for two days trying to get her to eat rice and drink pedialyte, and now she’s finally back to eating and drinking normally. We’ll have to come up with a way to train her not to entertain herself with the splashes. Every time I wonder if I shouldn’t have left Topaz home with grandma, I see her playing and everyone hugging and kissing on her and then I feel like all the hassle is worth it. During the day she’s usually salty and wet so she has a carpet in the cockpit she hangs out on. At the end of the doggie day, she gets a nice fresh water bath and her bed is laid out under the chart table. If it’s particularly hot, we tie her up and let her lay in the cockpit.
This evening we went to the beach with our kid friends. Topaz clomps up and down the beach looking for little particles that float in the surf. She really enjoys this and it’s an acceptable activity for a pup that needs to learn not to swallow sea water. We’ve really enjoyed meeting new people. Compared to when we sailed in Mexico, the Caribbean seems to have boats from more countries. Today on the beach we were playing with our Australian friends and then a family with a little baby came to the beach. The husband is from Portugal and the wife from Huntington Beach, CA. Wow, someone from home!
I better get to bed before the sun comes up. The best time to get some bandwidth is the middle of the night.
My camera battery ran out, this is the only picture I got of our shopping trip. I’ll have to try again at the end of the week.
Once again, we’ve eaten through the three days of provisions we carried down that long, steamy, hot road back to the boat in back packs. Monday’s task was to find the grocery store. Ho Hum, the shopping blues. Lucky for me, Chez, my new Australian friend with a boat full of kids offered to take me on the shopping tour.
First stop was Ace Hardware. I was pleasantly surprised with things I would have taken for granted back home. The store had real air conditioning, music over the PA system, aisles of all kinds of stuff like regular hardware items, pool toys, pots and pans, cleaning products, and a Christmas aisle complete with ornaments and trees.
Just down the street from Ace is CK’s Super Value which sells in bulk. CK’s is about half the size of Smart and Final, lacks the produce section and has considerably fewer coolers. The main benefits to shopping here are, besides bulk prices, I can buy all my heavy items like Coke, Captain Eric’s favorite treat, juice, milk, flour, sugar, canned goods, and pasta, and the store will deliver my order to the restaurant next to the dinghy dock for no charge. WOWsy, wow, wow, wow. Genny and I loaded up two shopping carts and by the time we returned to the dinghy it had already been delivered.
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When I called Eric to pick us up at the dinghy dock, he was shocked to see the stack of boxes and bags. Roy asked what we had planned to do on Tuesday besides eat from the bounty Genny and I brought home.
When Brian left, he gave the kids and me his unused EC (Eastern Caribbean) currency, Thanks Brian! The exchange rate is about 2.7 EC : 1 US dollar. I just figure 1/3 of the price. On average goods are a bit more expensive, but it’s not unreasonable. I guess you could compare it to shopping at one of the more expensive grocery store chains in your town and not buying anything on sale or with a coupon.
The kids all wanted to go Christmas shopping, so Tuesday I took them all for the shopping tour. They went up and down all the aisles at Ace, then ate at the food court in the Mall, checked out those stores, picked out a few groceries, back to Ace on the way home and finished satisfied with their treasures. They bought gifts for each other and we’re able to guide their siblings down acceptable isles. On the way out we met up with our friend Chez and her teenage daughter, Jordan, so we all walked home together.