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11/02/2012 to 07/09/2015Post Archives
For a great way to go to church at home visit www.seacoastgrace.org and select messages.Bible Verses to ponder
Proverbs 2:4-5 King Solomon speaks of Wisdom
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.Ephesians 2:8-10
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.Deuteronomy 4
The 10 Commandments
1. Have no other gods
2. Do not worship idols or images
3. Do not misuse the Lord's name
4. Observe the Sabbath Day
5. Honor your father and mother
6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal
9. Do not lie
10. Do not covet anything that belongs to your neighborMy Favorite Bible Studies
Over the last 10 years I've decided the best way to know what God expects is to attend Bible Study. I have two favorites: http://www.communitybiblestudy.org/ has great programs especially for women and children together and lately I've been attending http://www.precept.org/ for a very in-depth study of the bible. Try a bible study to learn all about what's in God's book.Check this out
Author Archives: sailmakai
Epcot Center
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After 10 years of Disneyland passes we finally made it to Disney World. As a kid I visited Disney World in 1976 and then again briefly in 1985 when I graduated from boot camp here in Orlando, FL. This day my mom treated us to Epcot Center. EPCOT stands for - Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow.
It is an enzyme that relaxes pelvic blood vessels and commander cialis wouroud.com fills the spongy erectile tissue inside. It is a natural way to enhance one’s erection.The viagra online no prescriptions key component Sildenafil Citrate makes timely inhibition of the PDE5 enzyme which in turn causes improvement in the treatment of ED, penetration and maintaining erection than ever before. When sperm are cialis online price http://www.wouroud.com/bitem.php?ln=fr being retrieved surgically from the man (e.g. “MESA”, “PESA” or “TESE” procedures).5. Some of the causes that lead to online cialis no prescription ED in men. The front section of the park showcases Land, Sea, Space and Energy. Each area has educational displays, rides and shows on the theme. The Sea was like visiting an aquarium with Manatees, sea horses, exotic looking fish and rides like Nemo and Talk to Crush. The Land was super cool. We took a boat ride through the history of man’s land use, and abuse and how we’re trying to conserve now. Then the boat when through green houses and hydroponic gardens.
The far side of the park featured a walk around the lake that takes you through a dozen or so countries. The people working the attractions and restaurants are from the country in the land they work in.
Holy Land Experience
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We spent the day with Jesus today. The Holy Land Experience in Orlando was very educational. We started by breaking bread with Jesus and John at the Last Supper, then went on to watching a funny show about having Jesus in your life, we walked through the Red Sea and the kids did rock climbing. It is known as PDE-5 inhibitor which works on main causes of erections incapability, smooth the muscles and dilates the nerves, and then the blood is carrier of oxygen. buy generic viagra Many vital nerves, muscles and blood vessels are located in the back sildenafil generic uk of the thighs. Typical symptoms: recurrent episodes of lower urinary tract infection is divided into the upper UTI and lower urinary tract infection etc. viagra generika 50mg Always look to finish the dose in go to these guys levitra generic vs proper amount. There was a cool model of Jerusalem, and a Passion of Christ show. The Scriptorium was a tour of the history of the bible, from papyrus scraps and scrolls to hand written Latin and Hebrew texts and finally printed copies and the reformation.
Blue Springs State Park, FL
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Blue Springs State Park is just north of Orlando, FL and home to a few hundred Manatees. They feed in the St. John river and when it’s cold, come to Blue Springs to warm up on the 72 degree water. We also saw Gar fish, catfish, turtles, alligators, and several other critters that I wasn’t sure of their species. It was a great first day in Florida seeing the Spanish Moss hanging from the trees and the beautiful animal living in the springs.
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Later that evening we went to the Arabian Nights dinner show. This horse show was exciting, colorful and kept us on the edge of our seat.
The Mears kids are off again
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Sunday, Jan 8th, we left LAX and Roy took these cool photos. The plane headed west and then south a bit before turning east. Can you identify any of these LA/OC landmarks?
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Marie’s Birthday
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Happy Birthday to Marie. She turned 7 on January 7, 2012. She was very excited, this is her special birthday, 7 years old on the 7th. We celebrated with friends at the park on Thursday, it was lots of fun with cake and ice cream, gifts and a hot day. Friday we went to Disneyland with our pal Cody. We have a few pictures of him petrified on the Sun Wheel Ferris Wheel in California Adventure. There are men who are able to attain an erection within a period of 5 to 10 minutes. cheap viagra pill is another medication treatment for impotence can either be permanent or short term. Erectile dysfunction is basically an issue where the man fails to have proper erections or a satisfying love making viagra 50mg session in their life. They should indeed take such issues free cheap viagra on a serious note, appearance encompasses more than just clothing and one of the still most significant parts of appearance is how the world perceives you. Today, the best tadalafil problem has become a big concern as many males around the world suffer from the same condition. Then, Saturday was her official birthday. Marie had a rainbow of gifts, seven, one for each color of the rainbow. In the end there was pie and ice cream with family. Sunday we traveled to Florida to visit with Nannie. When we got to her house we had cheese cake and more presents. Marie has been having a great birthday, to wrap it up Marie lost her first tooth.
Atlantic Crossing Photos
Photos are coming up next. For now, R.J. Pimentel, Rodney’s son who spent the last 2 years sailing on this NF Cure capsule acts internally and rejuvenates the overall health of supplementprofessors.com levitra 100mg an individual. The dosage will be visible in the front with the brand name tadalafil online cheap https://www.supplementprofessors.com/cialis-3215.html Pfizer and VGR on the back. Mint viagra no prescription mastercard Mint derived from menthol herbs including peppermint, spearmint, and other different hybrids have been linked to suppressed production of testosterone levels in the body. What are the steps to generic levitra professional obtain a driving permit. cost and period reduction Citizens have a tendency to apply more to driver education online therefore due to its low cost and time requirements. boat through the Caribbean and Mediterranean Sea, edited Eric’s video and set it to music. Check out this youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Ski lessons
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Beth treated us to ski lessons this week. Wolf Creek Ski Resort is right up on the Continental Divide between Pagosa Springs and South Fork, CO. C. W. McCall, of Convoy fame, wrote a song about Wolf Creek Pass. Beth was speechless when 3 little kids started singing this song, I guess Eric has been educating them.
Anyway, Marie was checked into the Wolf Pup program from 10am – 3pm, they started the kids on a conveyor belt lift and let them snow plow down a little slope. This conveyor belt of 4 – 7 year olds was SUPER cute, they looked like little toys getting ready to be packed in Santa’s bag. By the end of the day the kids were taking a beginner lift up to the top of the bunny slope (where I spent my day) and made their skis into a pizza wedge so their line could zig zag down the hill.
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Roy, Genny and I also took lessons so we could keep up with her. We all accomplished what we were instructed on, the kids were all dare devils zooming down the hill. The next day Roy, Genny and I were taken to the top of a much longer, slightly more challenging hill. Once again the kids zoomed in and out, here and there while I kept up. We all had fun and look forward to another year at Wolf Creek.
Swimming in snow country
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The Sand Dunes Swimming Pool is fed by an artesian well that is geo-thermally heated. We love to come here every summer, last summer I told the kids they would be able to swim with the snow on the deck. Those crazy kids put snow on their heads and faces, walked in it and played with the snow. Cayenne and other chili peppers contain a chemical known as capsaicin viagra purchase which can act as vasodilator. Buy Ladygra 100mg acts as the vardenafil online foea.org helps to restrict the deformations of penile tissue structures and also acts as a helpful pattern in increasing the blood supply fluency to the concerned sexual configurations. So, the company tadalafil 80mg and the physician make their lot by selling the medicine and now the patent is over. Make an effort to eat sildenafil pfizer vitamins and minerals in natural meals as they are quickly utilized by the organism. The air was so cold that my hair froze if I didn’t keep dipping my head underwater. The large pool was 92 degrees and the therapy pool was 107. At time the mist was so thick we couldn’t see 10 feet away.
Merry Christmas
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What, you mean it’s Dec 26th. We had a great, memorable, and unique Christmas.
It all started Dec 24th when the kids, Topaz and I got rustled out of bed at 5:30am so we could get an early start to meet Eric’s 9pm flight in Albuquerque, NM. Everything was packed, all we needed was Grandma on a rocking chair on the roof rack like the Beverly Hill Billies. Then Genny announces that her ipod touch password was changed and she was locked out. The only way I know how to fix it is a factory reset, so with the car in the alley all packed up, I went in with the computer and spent the next hour fixing up Genny’s main entertainment for the next 2 days. Then off we went. Long about the intersection of I15 and I210, the forward tie strap let loose of the skis and they swung around on the roof rack, Roy alerted the driver to make an emergency stop to adjust things and we continued on. Next stop was Victorville where we refueled at IHOP and Costo gas. That’s when we heard that Eric’s plane in Grenada had mechanical issues and they needed to fly a mechanic in from Puerto Rico, luckily now our late start and airport closures in Albuquerque was not something to worry about because he would be missing all of his connections and we’re up for another adventure. We had a brief stop at Seligman, AZ for a bit of gas and then we stopped in Flagstaff for dinner and a plan for the night, Motel 6 in Gallup, NM. Somewhere in there Topaz managed to eat something that made her heave and belch on a regular basis, this went on all night and regularly for nearly 24 hours. During the night she dragged me outside for a walk several times, the tractor trailer in the parking lot ran it’s engine, the family above us arrived and the kids jumped off the bed many times, then I heard people talking, Topaz belching and finally the sun came up, 3 degrees F in Gallup New Mexico. Whew, what a night.
Christmas Morning the kids made some kind of comments about, humph, we’re in a motel without a tree or gifts or Daddy! I reminded them that Christmas is about the greatest gift of Jesus coming to save us from our sins and everything else is just our desire for material stuff. They didn’t really go for that, so we all jumped in the car and drove for 2.5 hours to Albuquerque, NM to meet Eric. We stuffed everything we had stashed in the passenger seat including Topaz into the back and Eric jumped into the passenger seat with his bags on his lap and off we went. After a few minutes I mentioned to Eric that he smelled a little like margarita, but he whispered back that it was rum. Hmm. By now everyone was pretty darn hungry and unless grandma’s house is around the corner, you would have a hard time finding a place to eat on Christmas Day. Luckily, we were in Indian Casino territory, after trying a few casinos, we found one for lunch. Eric repacked his duffle bag and found the broken bottle of rum, but no top and no rum, hmm. A few hours after dark we arrived and Grandma Beth’s house in South Fork, CO.
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This morning we cross country skied up and down the Rio Grand River, Topaz ran and ran and ran, we shoveled a patch so we could play on the ice, the kids dug a hole in the ice about 8 inches deep to create a water hole. They scooped water up and spilled it on the ice for a smooth finish. Another great dinner and now were all watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
Good Night!
Merry Christmas
Now that the boat is taken care of, we’re racing off for Christmas. At first light on Dec 24, the kids, Topaz and I are leaving Cypress and heading Premature ejaculation is deemed to be premature if it occurs anywhere between 30 seconds to 4 minutes into the act of foreplay or sexual intercourse. generic no prescription viagra Phrases like – Be prepared for anything you might find inside the member’s area, there are surprises waiting – for example, will get your list curious for purchase levitra online http://canterburymewscooperative.com/item-1483 more. This is one of the most rediculous ideas that has ever taken root in the martial arts. buy viagra canada However, the most nefarious email marketers do not provide you with effective guidelines regarding canterburymewscooperative.com commander viagra the utilization, route of administration, side- effects etc.* This has been providing with secure treatment measures to the cases of impotency & thus it has been guaranteed by the health professionals of Food & Drug Association (FDA) have led for the discovery of the potential medicinal drugs including Kamagra Fizz which has been a superior generic medicinal drug helping. for the airport in Albuquerque, NM to meet Eric’s 9pm flight. Then we’ll spend the night in Santa Fe, NM heading to Beth’s cabin in Colorado on Sunday.