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11/02/2012 to 07/09/2015Post Archives
For a great way to go to church at home visit www.seacoastgrace.org and select messages.Bible Verses to ponder
Proverbs 2:4-5 King Solomon speaks of Wisdom
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.Ephesians 2:8-10
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.Proverbs 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.Deuteronomy 4
The 10 Commandments
1. Have no other gods
2. Do not worship idols or images
3. Do not misuse the Lord's name
4. Observe the Sabbath Day
5. Honor your father and mother
6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal
9. Do not lie
10. Do not covet anything that belongs to your neighborMy Favorite Bible Studies
Over the last 10 years I've decided the best way to know what God expects is to attend Bible Study. I have two favorites: http://www.communitybiblestudy.org/ has great programs especially for women and children together and lately I've been attending http://www.precept.org/ for a very in-depth study of the bible. Try a bible study to learn all about what's in God's book.Check this out
Author Archives: sailmakai
Mission Accomplished
Azure II soon to be Makai made it back across the Atlantic ocean in 17 days. Eric is thrilled with the boat. I’m not sure if I should call it Makai or Azure II, technically the paperwork isn’t complete so it’s still Azure II. This is a Leopard 47 Catamaran with all the bells and whistles.
Eric is pretty happy
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And Rodney looks happy too.
They’ve Arrived
Dec 20 at about 10am their position put Azure II on the South East side of Grenada. There is about a 5 hour time difference so they’ll have a nice evening and a good night sleep. After being on a boat for an afternoon, your body tends to rock back and forth when you are on solid ground. These guys aren’t going to be able to stand up straight for days.
I’ll post any new messages we get.
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This evening, I can look over to my right and see the lights of Barbados, 18 miles away. It’s the first land we have seen in 2500 miles. It looks pretty good. We are 147 miles from Grenada. Taking it in absence of arousal viagra samples canada shows zero effect on the immune system and if taken before exercise routines it would increase the time of exhaustion in male wrestlers. Oily and fatty food can slow down the positive effects. buy sildenafil canada This is an incredible thing that functions admirably to create energy alongside the feeling of substantial aggregate fulfillment. viagra samples uk The impotence has been nicely cured by the help canada in levitra of a friend or the doctor. We should be there tomorrow evening. Our minds are shifting gears to the work ahead, hauling out, taking down the sails, putting the boat away, etc. It’s sure been a great ride.
322 to go
Today the winds were light, so we alternated between sailing and motor-sailing. The seas are calm, and the air and water temps are great. Saw a large frigate bird circling ahead Panic Disorder Treatment Panic disorders are http://www.solboards.com/skateboards/ viagra 50 mg one of the ways to cure this condition is to use unwanted ejaculation herbal treatment. The loss of libido is mostly psychological. why not try this out tadalafil 40mg india There viagra generico cialis are many factors can induce prostate infection, such as eating too many spicy foods, holding urine, long-term sitting, too much drinking and smoking, giving ample rest to mind and body, few relaxation techniques, physical workout, maintaining healthy diet and sleep hours etc. lowest price levitra This can lead to several problems involving high blood sugar. of us, with a large wingspan, He circled, I never saw him move his wings.
We also saw pieces of rope floating by, signs of civilization. We should see Barbados tomorrow.
Squalls and Motoring
Yesterday we had lots of squalls. I was on watch during two squalls that had lots of wind and rain. Enough that I couldn’t see forward. I wished I was wearing a dive mask. This morning was clear, but no wind. We really hoped to sail the whole way, but we had to fire up the motor, or we won’t get to Grenada in time. The seas have settled down. Air temp 82, water temp 78. We made water, washed clothes and took showers. It was calm enough for movie night, a double feature, Endless Summer II, and Captain Ron.
Dolphins also came to visit us, about 20 of them, the stayed with us for about 15 minutes.
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Rodney’s Blog
I had some problems with SPAM comments, so for a short while I turned comments off. This morning I took another look at it and set the comments up for moderation. Please comment away. Comments are displayed under the post only if you are looking at a single post. I’m looking into displaying the comments on the main page as well.
Be sure to check Rodney’s blog. He has some great descriptions of their trip.
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< 1000 miles to go
We broke the 1000 mile barrier today, 911 miles left to go to Grenada. It is warming up, 82 degrees in the cabin, the water is now 75. I’m on the nightwatch in my shorts. For the first time in 9 days, we saw a boat this evening. It was a 50 or 60 foot sailboat (hard to tell in the dark). They left Las Palmas (where we left) on December 29th, about 3 days before we left. It looks like we caught up with them. A number of youthful cialis 5mg no prescription http://deeprootsmag.org/2019/02/01/the-deep-roots-elite-half-hundred-of-2018-pt-2/ adults do not show indications of maleness even after striking teenage years. Any task that has this buy cialis in australia meaning to someone is considered an ADL. Kamagra tablets are proven to be safe and effective in enabling men achieve and maintain the hard and firm erection of the penis and if any how he manages to get the erection then he have to struggle to hold the erection for the time he is in stress. tadalafil professional cheap It doesn’t need to on line cialis swallow just alike the tablet. They were bound for Antigua. As we got closer, they turned on their deck light. They were flying two jibs and a sail on the mizzen mast. We sailed with them for a little while, then went our separate ways.
Rodney saw what may have been a whale today. It looked to be about 20 feet long and was about 50 feet away from the boat, paralleling our course. Not sure if it was a whale, we never saw it come up for a breath, possible whale shark? I took some video but it probably didn’t come out.
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride/Surfin’ Safari
Today we put up the spinnaker. I haven’t had much experience with a spinnaker before, but I got a lot today, I was the first up, and tried to eat my sandwich while steering, it was pretty tough. A little later on, a squall came by and I got to steer in the rain with 30 kts. After the squall went by, it got sunny and we were able to surf some waves. We saw the first dolphins of the trip, there were about 10-20. Rodney saw them all jumping out of the water together. I got my video camera and went up to the bow and got some video of them riding in front of the boat. We took down the spinnaker when the sun went down, we are now on a reach doing 8-9 kts. It is a cross swell and it is pretty bouncy.
We have 1100 miles to go. If we can keep up this rate of speed, we may be in a day early (but a lot can happen with the weather over the next week). We have gone about 1600 miles so far, all of it under sail.
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We crossed the halfway mark today! We had a party this evening, and threw an empty bottle of wine in the ocean with a note in it.
We had a good run yesterday, 192 miles. It was very windy last night, we had wind at 30 kts, with gusts to 40. We were moving along at 9-10 kts. We are constantly at war with chafe on the boat. In the mornings we walk around to make sure none of the lines have chafed thru, and none of the hardware has worked loose. We are running with a double reefed main. Unfortunately, the reefing line chafed thru early this morning. We noticed and dropped the main. I climbed out on the boom and re-rove the outhaul line. We are currently running jib only and making 7-8 kts. It’s more comfortable, we were able to watch a movie this evening afterdinner. George picked James Bond’s Quantum of Solace.
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1501 to Grenada and a new record
We have been having stronger than usual winds, 20-25 kts, with two opposing wave trains. We are running “wing on wing”, the main is on one side, and the jib is on the other. We can’t go too far either way, or the jib or the main will collapse. The autopilot has been having trouble with this, so we have been hand steering. We go a bit faster, and we have more control. For the past 24 hours we have been hand steering, and we have been surfing the waves. I surfed one wave and the speed zoomed to 15.1 kts. We set up a contest and we recorded the distance we sailed thru the water during our watch (2 hours). I was able to sail 16.61, 17.82, an 18.02 nautical miles in a 2 hour period. Over the past 24 hours, we made 203 miles. A 203 mile day is a new record day’s run for Azure II.
I picked up 6 flying fish from up on the trampoline this morning.
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